Sunday, February 28, 2010

Still an Experiment at This Stage

Google is inexorably tied to YouTube but don't expect the same level of consistency from the latter. YouTube may or may not index your video. You may or may not get a thumbnail image on an optimized YouTube landing page.
PGA National Homes for Sale | PGA National Real Estate for Sale Your efforts in leveraging YouTube for your business whether real estate, homes or widgets is going to take a bit of trial and error when optimizing for video. Always check up on your video's indexing status before optimizing the page.

BallenIsles Real Estate

Fine exquisite custom homes from themes inspired by Mediterranean and Italian architecture and design.

Over the last decade, BallenIsles Country Club has outpaced more than 6,000 clubs nationally in its rise in the Platinum Club Top 100 ranking list of the most highly regarded country clubs in America.

Often referred to as the "crown jewel of Palm Beach Gardens,”BallenIsles offers three impeccably maintained championship courses and a golf pedigree that dates back to 1963 when the PGA of America contracted with John D. MacArthur to design a world-class golf facility. BallenIsles Homes For Sale | BallenIsles Real Estate are conveniently located just 15 minutes from the Palm Beach International Airport and five minutes to the I-95 Interstate and the Florida Turnpike.

Orange County SEO

Friday, February 19, 2010

SEO in OC Update

SEO for summer campaigns post on my main Orange County SEO site. Now is the time to start campaigns for summer business.

SEO for any competitive environment typically takes several months for effective impact to be realized.

Monday, February 8, 2010

La Cresta Murrieta Homes and Real Estate

One of the custom homes in La Cresta of Murrieta, CA is on the market. La Cresta homes are custom built on 5 acre or greater sized lots. This one sits atop a hill and ten acres. The panoramic views of the Temecula valley are spectacular.