Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Experiment in Commuting? The Flying Car

I wrote about the FAA approval of the flying car in my blog. It seems the Terrafugia Transition is now on the fast track to production with approval by the FAA making it officially a light aircraft at 1320 lbs., just 120 over the limit but that's car safety equipment. Now for under 200K, you can own one once they're in production. The flying car makes the dream of a traffic-free commute a little closer to reality. The flying car costs so much, there's little point asking about gas mileage is there?

There's a video of the car on my post.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Quick Index Is The Easy part

I posted on main SEO blog about how quickly a blog can get posted (This result showed as 51 seconds) I posted, and typed the long tail title into Google and there it was waiting for me.

The challenge, of course is relevant keyword results. That takes a little longer and a few back-links or more.